Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Unnecessary List: D.C. Edition

Here's mine. 
City Life Shout Out of the Year: Here’s a shout out to taxicabs: thanks for saving me a lot of money this year. Whether you maliciously ignored me, refused to accept a debit card, or just weren’t around when I needed you, you did what it took to protect my pocketbook and get me some much-needed exercise.

Best Transit Employee of the Year:  “Thanks for Riding Metro, Blah, Blah, Blah, Happy New Year. Don’t go in front of the bus.” – Driver of the B30, 12/27/10

Most Interesting, in a Good Way, City Danger: 
The Whole Foods in Logan Circle is the Grand Court of DC’s young gentry, so full of beautiful couples, muscley gays, and disaffected hipsters that an additional 20 cashiers and a new robotic express line have not made a dent in the checkout wait time (more infrastructure, more crowding!). But they brought back the good fake chicken in the hot bar, so I guess it’s really a wash.  
Most Interesting, in a Bad Way, City Danger:. Yep, mugging, probably.
Oh god, looking at him makes me want to wash my eyes.
Best Natural Disaster of 2010: The Republican Party. Well, Joanne, it looks like it's gaining momentum as it moves towards the Tampa coast, and while we're still short on details, I think we can safely advise everyone to stay inside.  Back to you in the studio.  
Favorite New-to-Me Website: Sporcle. How did I miss Kosovo?  
Most Watched-by-Me Viral Video: The Year of the Doubles, I suppose. Double Dream Hands and Double Rainbow.

Best News Story: Wikileaks & Julian Assange let you know that, like you, the U.S. State Department is shallow and bitchy, even to its friends.

Best Book that I read in 2010: Anything that your sister buys you for Christmas: in this case, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet.

Most Groundbreaking TV Show: Oh god, THE WALKING DEAD.

Dance Trend:  What’s that, Dougie, you’ve got a stanky leg? Alright, well, walk it out, then.

Earwormiest Song of 2010:  Club Can’t Even Handle Me Right Now, by Flo Rida, featuring that cool dad who presses buttons a lot. I don’t ever actually go to clubs, but sometimes I hum this song to myself when I’m walking down a hallway at work, and it’s like I’m at a club.
These people are stalking you.
Movie of the Year: The Social Network. A self-indulgent choice, considering it’s a movie about my primary activity in college – Facebook stalking – starring a bunch of people that are just like everyone I knew in college – horrible nerds.
Runner Up:  HP7, Part 1.

Wishes for 2011:
1. If I were a boy
2. I’d roll out of bed
3. And throw on what I wanted
4. And go drink beer with the guys
5. IPAD!

1 comment:

  1. KOSOVOOOOOO!!! I'm super glad you liked the book, but was it really better than the political smut that was "Game Change"? You know that I know how...to make 'em stop and stare as I zooone out...
