Here's mine.
City Life Shout Out of the Year: Here’s a shout out to taxicabs: thanks for saving me a lot of money this year. Whether you maliciously ignored me, refused to accept a debit card, or just weren’t around when I needed you, you did what it took to protect my pocketbook and get me some much-needed exercise.
Best Transit Employee of the Year: “Thanks for Riding Metro, Blah, Blah, Blah, Happy New Year. Don’t go in front of the bus.” – Driver of the B30, 12/27/10
Most Interesting, in a Good Way, City Danger: The Whole Foods in Logan Circle is the Grand Court of DC’s young gentry, so full of beautiful couples, muscley gays, and disaffected hipsters that an additional 20 cashiers and a new robotic express line have not made a dent in the checkout wait time (more infrastructure, more crowding!). But they brought back the good fake chicken in the hot bar, so I guess it’s really a wash.
Most Interesting, in a Good Way, City Danger: The Whole Foods in Logan Circle is the Grand Court of DC’s young gentry, so full of beautiful couples, muscley gays, and disaffected hipsters that an additional 20 cashiers and a new robotic express line have not made a dent in the checkout wait time (more infrastructure, more crowding!). But they brought back the good fake chicken in the hot bar, so I guess it’s really a wash.
Most Interesting, in a Bad Way, City Danger:. Yep, mugging, probably.
Oh god, looking at him makes me want to wash my eyes. |
Best Natural Disaster of 2010: The Republican Party. Well, Joanne, it looks like it's gaining momentum as it moves towards the Tampa coast, and while we're still short on details, I think we can safely advise everyone to stay inside. Back to you in the studio.
Favorite New-to-Me Website: Sporcle. How did I miss Kosovo?
Most Watched-by-Me Viral Video: The Year of the Doubles, I suppose. Double Dream Hands and Double Rainbow.
Best News Story: Wikileaks & Julian Assange let you know that, like you, the U.S. State Department is shallow and bitchy, even to its friends.
Best Book that I read in 2010: Anything that your sister buys you for Christmas: in this case, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet.
Most Groundbreaking TV Show: Oh god, THE WALKING DEAD.
Dance Trend: What’s that, Dougie, you’ve got a stanky leg? Alright, well, walk it out, then.
Earwormiest Song of 2010: Club Can’t Even Handle Me Right Now, by Flo Rida, featuring that cool dad who presses buttons a lot. I don’t ever actually go to clubs, but sometimes I hum this song to myself when I’m walking down a hallway at work, and it’s like I’m at a club.
Best News Story: Wikileaks & Julian Assange let you know that, like you, the U.S. State Department is shallow and bitchy, even to its friends.
Best Book that I read in 2010: Anything that your sister buys you for Christmas: in this case, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet.
Most Groundbreaking TV Show: Oh god, THE WALKING DEAD.
Dance Trend: What’s that, Dougie, you’ve got a stanky leg? Alright, well, walk it out, then.
Earwormiest Song of 2010: Club Can’t Even Handle Me Right Now, by Flo Rida, featuring that cool dad who presses buttons a lot. I don’t ever actually go to clubs, but sometimes I hum this song to myself when I’m walking down a hallway at work, and it’s like I’m at a club.
These people are stalking you. |
Movie of the Year: The Social Network. A self-indulgent choice, considering it’s a movie about my primary activity in college – Facebook stalking – starring a bunch of people that are just like everyone I knew in college – horrible nerds.
Runner Up: HP7, Part 1.
Wishes for 2011:
1. If I were a boy
Wishes for 2011:
1. If I were a boy
2. I’d roll out of bed
3. And throw on what I wanted
4. And go drink beer with the guys
5. IPAD!
KOSOVOOOOOO!!! I'm super glad you liked the book, but was it really better than the political smut that was "Game Change"? You know that I know make 'em stop and stare as I zooone out...